Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Reflecting on trip

It has been a few days since we have returned from South Carolina and I have had some time to organize my takeaways from the experience. My expectations, which were high going into the trip, managed to be surpassed handily. I got to meet and connect with a large amount of knowledgeable and important people, and I was able to network more than I could have imagined going into the trip. Speaking with the litany of experts, from professors to legislators and everything in between, I learned more than ever about the workings of our government. The people that I worked alongside on the Haley campaign were excellent, and they taught me about the intricacies of campaigning. I received valuable insight on what is going on behind the scenes in the political world, and my interest in the subject has been piqued. Perhaps the most valuable part of my experience, however, was the perspective I gained from my experiences talking to voters and politically engaged individuals. To start, all of my classmates on this trip were politically inclined and were willing to engage in discussions about political issues. We do not share the same perspectives on a lot of issues, and so I learned a lot from parsing out issues with people I disagree with. On top of this, I spent a lot of time canvassing on this trip. Naturally, this means that I had the opportunity to talk with diverse groups of voters. I learned a lot behind the reasons that people vote for specific candidates, and gained a better understanding of what issues people think about when deciding who to vote for. All in all, the Road to the White House trip was truly one of the most impactful experiences in my educational journey. I am incredibly grateful for all of the people who took the time to teach us about the political system, and the people who I worked with on the Haley campaign who helped educate me on campaigning. Lastly, I would like to thank Dr. McLauchlan for her tireless efforts putting together this life-changing experience, and she truly can never be given enough credit for how hard she works to make sure that everyone gets the most out of their education.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Primary Day

Today was the day of the Republican primary elections. As it was the most important day to attempt to get out the vote, I spent much of my day canvassing around Columbia. As this was my last day with my supervisors on the campaign, I presented them with a small token of appreciation for everything they have facilitated for me and my fellow classmates during this trip. I truly cannot express how grateful I am for everyone who was a part of the Haley campaign teaching me all they did and making this experience exceed all expectations.

Breakfast at the Lizard's Thicket

Today is the day of the primary, and we started the day with breakfast at the Lizard's Thicket. We had went because we had heard that Lindsey Graham was going to be there. While he ended up having already left by the time we arrived, we were pleasantly surprised when Sean Hannity ended up walking in just a few moments after we got there. In addition to getting to meet Sean Hannity, we also ended up getting to speak to Florida Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis. He was gracious enough to lend our class his time to answer our questions, and he was truly a moving and informative speaker. Election day has barely gotten underway, and we already have had such an eventful day! I can't wait to get started on my working for the Haley campaign!

Friday, February 23, 2024


 Today we made the trip down to Charleston to go to the University of Charleston and meet with professors Gibbs Knotts and Jordan Ragusa. They gave us a fascinating presentation on what factors are considered by the South Carolina electorate when voting in the primaries, and to what extent. As well as this, they showed us their research into how representative different state party electorates are of their national party electorate, which had some surprising results. Afterwards, we had the opportunity to explore the city of Charleston. I had only been in Charleston briefly prior to this trip, and I loved having the opportunity to see what the city has to offer.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

South Carolina State House

we had the honor of visiting the South Carolina State House. It was an incredible experience all around. We had a very knowledgeable tour guide who not only was able to provide us information about the State House itself and the history behind it, but also was able to answer questions about politicians that have come out of South Carolina. On top of this we had the privilege of watching a session of the Senate, which was very fascinating. Perhaps the most interesting part of our experience in the State House, however, may have been our conversation with representatives Micah Caskey and Mike Neese. They are both knowledgable and very entertaining people. They gave us great insight into how things work behind the scenes within the state legislature. Afterwards, they answered questions and left us with their thoughts on the current political landscape. 

Tuesday, February 20, 2024



 The last couple of days have been incredibly busy with canvassing. There is less than a week until the primary election takes place, and so now it is more important than ever to get out and talk to voters. At this point, I have had the opportunity to canvas in diverse communities, from disadvantaged areas to very affluent neighborhoods. I have had an amazing experience talking to many different types of voters, and have fortunately had the experience to have some in-depth conversations with voters. I love to learn about the views of voters and their thoughts regarding this election, and it is such a privilege when a person who doesn't agree with the campaign you are working for is willing to have a civil conversation and break down issues to their fundamental arguments. It can be very enlightening, and helps to teach you that at the end of the day, most Americans have the same goals for America in mind, and simply have disagreements on how to achieve them.

Governor's Mansion


This morning we went through a tour of the Governor's Mansion. It was an incredibly historic building, with countless items each with their own story. These are just a few images from our tour. 

Monday, February 19, 2024

Town Hall Event

    Yesterday we had the privilege of being in the studio audience for a Haley town hall event. I had never been part of a studio audience before, and it was truly fascinating to see the behind the scenes of a television production. You don't think about how much work goes into putting together even things as straightforward as new programming. I was very impressed with the event and thought that Haley did an amazing job handling the questions she was asked. It was interesting to compare the talking points she had during the town hall with the points she made at the rally the day prior. It really helps to highlight what issues Haley thinks matter most to American voters.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

First Day with Haley Campaign

    Today was my first day with the Haley campaign, and it was an amazing experience. The beginning of the day was spent canvassing. It was a lot of fun being able to have conversations with voters, even if the people who didn't agree with our message. Even if they were not already on-board with the Haley campaign, the majority of voters were at least willing to hear me out and I felt I may have been able to change a few opinions. At the end of the day, regardless of what people may think is the best way of going about it, everyone wants what is best for America. Being able to talk to voters from all over the political spectrum really helps to illuminate that fact. 
    After canvassing, we moved on to setting up and participating in a Haley rally in Irmo. It was a great venu for such an event, and the rally did not dissapoint. There was a great turnout, and we managed to give away a lot of merchandise. It was such an honor to be able to participate in such an event, and I look forward to the days ahead on this campaign.


Friday, February 16, 2024

Trip to South Carolina

We just got to our hotel in South Carolina. It was an incredibly long trip, though I had a great time getting to know some of my classmates better. Travelling always takes a toll on me, and I can't wait to get to bed. We received our schedules for this trip this morning, and I can see that it is going to be very packed with a lot of cool events. I look forward to getting to work in the morning.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

One more day!!!

Today is the last day before heading out for South Carolina tomorrow morning. We have spent a lot of time preparing for this trip, and our itinerary is being finalized. In the coming weeks, we will be visiting many political establishments within the state. In addition to this, I will be having the privilege of working with the presidential campaign of Nikki Haley. I'm excited to get to work on the ground-level of a campaign, and I hope that we can make a difference. 

Thursday, February 8, 2024

First Post

Hello! My name is Dante Rubino and welcome to my blog. Very soon, as part of The Road to the White House program, I will be travelling to South Carolina and gaining firsthand experience with the presidential primaries. I am very eager for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to witness the machinations of a major political campaign, and hope to learn as much as possible while I am there. 

Reflecting on trip

It has been a few days since we have returned from South Carolina and I have had some time to organize my takeaways from the experience. My ...